Vote for our New Quad Chairlift Name
Our brand-new Doppelmayr quadruple chairlift is now complete and ready for Winter 2019/20. Now we need your help to vote on the best name out of Top choices!
We collected Quad Chairlift Name Nominations all summer and came up with our top 3 names to be voted on by you to choose the winning one with which to christen the chairlift!
We couldn’t just narrow it down to 3, so we have a bonus one! So here it is, our Top 3 (+1 Bonus)Â
Vote for your favourite out of:
- The Crowsnest Quad
- Hozameen Chair
- The Bear Chair
- Cascade Quad
How to Vote:
Click on this link:
Choose your favourite chairlift name for our new quad, input your name & email address.
Voting is per person, which is why we need your email address.
No multiple entries are allowed.* The only exception to this is if you come see us at the Vancouver Winter Extreme on October 19-20th. We’ll let you get a second vote!
The winning name nominator will win:
A 2020/2021 Manning Park Season Pass!
and… the first to ride the new chairlift!
Please note that the Top Submitters have already been contacted.
Why did we choose these 4 names?Â
Great question! These names were chosen because we saw multiple entries of each name, showing that there are many of our season passholders and locals that find it suiting for the new quad lift at Manning Park Resort. We then put these names to the test and found that they resonated with our long-time management team as names that celebrated the beautiful location we are in, our natural, wild environment and they all have lasting, universal qualities.
The names can stand alone and be understandable, or you can also know the significance of them.
Here’s the names, along with our favourite reasons for why people thought they were suiting names too: | |
The Bear Chair | “There are so many beautiful bears in Manning, we should celebrate them! And a bear’s paw is fierce, fast and strong, just like the new chairlift will be.” |
“Suiting for the park! The parks emblem is a bear paw, it would just accent the great ski hill you have :-)” | |
“Every where you look in Manning you see bear prints so I think this is fitting for the new big chair” | |
Hozameen Chair | “Look back, you’ll know why.” |
The beautiful view from the top of the former Orange Chair has the Hozameens in it. It is the background of thousands of pictures from the top of the chair formerly know as The Orange. | |
Crowsnest Quad Chair | Manning Park is quite isolated, and the only highway you can take is the Legendary Crowsnest highway [BC Hwy #3]. Without it, Manning Park would not exist… The name represents the highway Manning Park was built on, and Quad, represents the new era Manning Park will face. Long live the Orange Chair, say hello to the Crowsnest Quad! |
Cascade Quad | Manning Park is located in the Canadian Cascades, so the name reinforces a sense of place and also is fitting because it’s descriptive for the shape of a mountain. |
The Cascade Range or Cascades is a major mountain range of western North America, extending from southern British Columbia through Washington and Oregon to Northern California. |