Grand Opening Celebration of the Alpine Room
On Monday, August 28th, Manning Park Resort officially opened the new 3500 Sq ft banquet and meeting Alpine Room. After the ceremonial ribbon cutting, guests were invited to view the dramatic high ceiling room and sit down to a lunch buffet. Dignitaries who attended to commemorate the occasion, and to celebrate the significant upgrades at the Resort were Mayor Wilfried Vicktor of Hope, Mayor Frank Armitage of Princeton and BC Parks Regional Director of the Kootenay Okanagan Region, John Trewhitt.
Kevin and Donna Demers purchased the Resort in 2013, saving the company from being permanently closed and having the assets dismantled. The Alpine Room Grand Opening highlighted the significant upgrades and investment being poured into the property since its purchase.
With the new function room, five new cabins and a major paving project completed just this year, many accolades were handed out from Mayor Vicktor of Hope. He acknowledged the role that Manning Park Resort plays to support tourism in the community, as well as being a major employer and economic player.
Mayor Armitage of Princeton treated the attendees to a short history lesson on opening dates of EC Manning Provincial Park as well as the opening of the Hope Princeton Highway.
BC Parks representative, John Trewhitt acknowledged the unique relationship between the past operators of the Resort area and appreciated the good relationship with the Kevin Demers’ team.
MLA of the Fraser-Nicola riding, Jackie Tegart, sent her regards saying, “For decades, Manning Park Resort has hosted visitors from around the globe and has been an important part in sharing British Columbia’s legacy of love for the great outdoors. I am so pleased to see that you are continuing to grow and build upon that legacy.” MLA Tegart adds “Not only are you adding a beautiful new addition to the Resort, but you are creating space for families and friends to form memories that will last a lifetime.”
Emcee Mike Barker, General Manager, introduced and appreciated the many volunteers and organizations that support the Park and the Resort including the Friends of Manning Park, Backcountry Horsemen of BC as well as retired BC Park Manager Tommy Moore who still clears trails at 86 years old!
A display of history of Manning Park was showcased to underline the legacy and importance of the park, and the promising future of the resort business.