This Day in History: Dedication of E.C. Manning Park (Sept. 14, 1941) - Year Round Family Friendly Resort
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This Day in History: Dedication of E.C. Manning Park (Sept. 14, 1941)


This day in history Sept. 14, 1941: “Elaborate celebrations planned for the dedication of the Ernest C. Manning Park.
Nearly 100 People Attend Despite Inclement Weather; Addresses Delivered by Notables”

“Among the visitors present were: Mrs. E.C. Manning, the Hon. the Minister of Lands, Mr. Wells Gray, C.D. Orchard, who succeeded Mr. Manning as the Chief Forester, C.H. Upper, MLA, W.E. McArthur and J. G. Acres, of Greenwood, E.C. Menninger, MLA; R. McLean and L.A. Mansfield of Grand Forks; A.C. Mackenzie, Thos. Daly and D. Miller of Penticton.

W. D. Seaman, President of the Princeton Board of Trade, was in charge of the proceedings, and after all present had joined in singing “O Canada”, he extended a cordial welcome to all who had come to honour the memory of the late Chief Forester.
Thereafter the band played, then E. E. Burr spoke on half of all the old-timers of Similkameen who had dreamed of such a park, and who had lived to see their dream come true.”

Special thanks to Kelley Cook Friends of Manning Park for providing this article.

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