Be Bear Aware in Manning Park! - Year Round Family Friendly Resort
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Be Bear Aware in Manning Park!

It’s a busy time of year for bears! We have had lots of sightings around the park, so it’s a good time to brush up on our Bear Aware basics. If you see a bear, please report it to the Manning Park Visitor Centre. 

For more information, see the WildSafeBC website.



  • Front country/designated sites
    • Use bear resistant bins and/or follow food storage rules as set out at the campsite.
    • Keep your campsite clean and odour free.
    • Be aware of the activities of other campers – the food they leave out could very well bring a bear through your campsite. Report any inappropriate behaviour to the appropriate authorities.
    • Do not have any food in your tent.
  • Back country camping
    • Before choosing your site, do a walk around – a couple of circuits of increasing radius to check for signs of wildlife in the immediate area
    • Do not set up along known wildlife corridors or in high use areas (look for tracks, scat, signs of feeding, etc.)
    • Set up with good sight lines
    • Cook and eat away from your tent
    • Store all food in bear resistant containers and/or suspend from a line stretched between two trees. Make sure the bottom of your pack is at least 3m above the ground and 1.5m from the nearest tree.
    • Do not have any food in your tent
    • Keep the area clean and odour free
    • When sleeping in your tent, have your bear spray and a flashlight in a readily accessible area.
    • Pack out whatever you pack in: do not leave any organics behind – even though that apple core will rot and decompose, it could also be eaten by a bear that would then associate the smell of humans with a food reward.

Bear Safety when Hiking:

  • When hiking, travel in groups of two or more and keep talking (talk out loud to yourself if you are on your own). Bears recognize the human voice and will avoid you in most instances.
  • Carry bear spray with you when hiking in bear country.
  • If you encounter a bear, do not yell, scream, or run as this may trigger an attack. If the bear sees you, speak in a low voice to let the bear know that you are a human and move away slowly.


From BC Parks:

Staying Safe in Bear Country

We share many of our provincial parks with bears. BC Is home to both grizzly bears and black bears. Bears are extremely sensitive to human disturbance and activity. Avoiding an encounter is the best way to protect both yourself and bears.

Before you go

  • Pack bear spray, and learn how to use it
  • Check the park web page for any specific information about bears in the area
  • Look for notices about bears in the area when you arrive at a campground or trailhead

When camping

What attracts bears?

Ensure human and pet food, garbage, dirty campstoves, recyclables, toiletries and all other smelly items are locked away in a metal bear-proof container provided in the park, your car or hung from a tree away from your campsite.

Dispose of grey water in designated areas, away from your camp site.

When on a trail

bear scat
Bear scat
  • Make noise. Don’t surprise a bear. Call, sing, clap or talk loudly especially near streams and in areas of low visibility.
  • Be alert. Watch for bears or their scat and tracks, any strange smells or disturbed vegetation. Be aware of wind direction and speed. Extra caution is warranted when the wind is facing you.
  • Stay together. Hike and bike in groups and don’t let children wander. Larger groups (4 or more) are less likely to have a negative bear encounter.
  • Watch your pets. Keep your dog on a leash at all times. Dogs can provoke defensive bear behaviour.
  • Use officially marked trails. Travel during daylight hours. Bears are most active at dawn and dusk.
  • Carry bear spray and know how to use it.

In the backcountry

  • Use safe campsitesDesignated campsites are the best option. If there are no designated sites, choose campsites that are away from bear sign and obvious bear foods like berries,  waterways or other features that may be travel routes for wildlife.
  • bear-proof canisterEnsure food is stored safelyUse bear-safe food storage lockers. If there are none available, hang food by a rope system or from a tree branch in an area inaccessible to bears (at least 4 meters off the ground and 3 meters from the nearest tree).  Consider using a bear proof canister as an alternative to hanging food.
  • Use the triangle approachSet up your tent, cooking area and food storage areas in a triangle pattern, about 50 m apart.
    Camping - triangle approach
    Graphic: Parks Canada

If you encounter a bear:

Stay calm
If the bear sees you, talk in a low, calm voice and then regardless if it has seen you or not.

Back up slowly
Never turn your back on a bear, or run. Running could trigger an attack.

Do not stare
The bear will see a direct stare as a challenge.

Give it space
Make sure it has a way to get away, and that you are not blocking access to a bear’s cubs or its food.

If a bear approaches you or charges:

Do not run!

Use your bear spray as it approaches

Play dead or fight back

  • Defensive attack 
    Usually, bears charge or attack because they are feeling threatened. Use your bear spray. If you don’t have bear spray and the bear makes contact with you – roll on your stomach, cover the back of your neck, remain still and play dead, they will lose interest and leave. Do NOT run!
  • Predatory attack
    In rare cases, a bear may see a human as prey and stalk you along a trail. In these cases, try to escape into a building, car or up a tree.  If you cannot escape and the bear charges, use your bear spray, lacking that, use anything at your disposal to fight off the bear (rocks, sticks, hiking poles).


If you see a bear, please report it to the Manning Park Visitor Centre. 

(Aug 20, 2018)

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